Well, it's been one year, today, that Sean and I packed up our home and moved to Florida. I can honestly say that it has been the hardest year for me, personally, but the best year for our marriage. I remember announcing the news to our friends back in Alabama that we were moving to Southwest Florida. We got a bunch of concerned comments and happy yet sad comments. Most of the concerns were because it was a leap of faith and that Sean and I had not been married for a year yet. Some thought it was so quick. In some ways it was quick but we waited for seven months to leave Alabama to prepare for the day we moved. It was a long wait process and yet it came so quickly. I remember the day we left, it was so exciting and so hard. I left part of my heart in my hometown along with my best friends.
We knew God wanted us here in Florida and it was evident right away. Trying to get into our apartment to move in was a horrific experience in itself and we knew that Satan was trying to attack us. After we settled in and after being here for a few months, I did get homesick. I believe I dealt with a little depression from it but not much (the homesickness would come and go, which is normal). I felt so bad for Sean... I can't count how many times I had cried and wanted to go back home to Birmingham. However, the one thing I did know during this time and still know is that I did not want to go backwards. Sean and I were growing stronger in our marriage and still growing. It's been incredible to see how much we have grown as a couple.
As I look back on this year, I am in awe of what God has done. He is so good to His children. I am thankful that Sean and I are His children.