Tuesday, January 20, 2015

No Longer a Slave

loving this song right now.  It just reminds that I am a child of the one true God and my identity is in Him. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Quote for thought

How true is this statement. I challenge you to pay attention to what you think.  It determines everything around you.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


There is an anticipation in the atmosphere.  I can feel a shift coming soon.  I can't say what it is, since I don't know, but something is going to happen this year.  It's going to be good too.  God has been revealing himself more and more to Sean and me.  He is reminding us and guiding us back to how we once worshiped separately, and stirring and instilling it back into us as a married couple.

At the end of last year, God started to shift some things in our life.  He started to place people in our path to form a family.  Sean and I do not really have family that are close to us (closest family is at least 1.5hr away).  It has been amazing to see God orchestrate this and I love every person who is in our family here in Fort Myers.  He is starting to unify us as one body and it is only going to grow from here. 

I can't wait to see what God is going to do this year.. 2015.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Authentic Living

"Living authentically is a journey of remembrance, acknowledging that we are powerful spiritual beings... to remember this truth; we need to move away from our mind's incessant chatter, and move directly into our hearts.  This is the quiet space of our true essence, our knowing.  Aligning our heart with the heart of God allows us to be in touch with our spirit.  Each day we can request to see ourselves as God sees us, in all of our perfection, without judgement or expectations.  We are no ordinary beings.  We are powerful spirits destined to remember our greatness, our divine connection.  It is time to remove the blocks.  It is time to remember."

- Kay Nuyens, Author

Lord, I pray we learn to align our hearts with Your heart so that we may do Your will.

hello 2015!

I really hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season!  I know it was busy for most but I hope most of you were able to take the time to just relax and spend time with family and friends. 

Sean and I were busy for most of the season with church related events and it was really nice to get away for Thanksgiving to Birmingham.  It was also nice to relax with his family over Christmas. 

One thing I like about the New Year (besides the cold) is that I get the time to relax and really think about how the year went for me.  I think of the good and the really bad parts of the year.  Yes, there are some things I think I would have liked to have done differently (don't we all?) but overall 2014 was a great year.  It wasn't easy, by any means, but it was worth fighting for and that my friends, means it was a great year.  One thing I learned in 2014 is that my boldness is coming back.  I used to be more bold in college and after graduating I somehow stopped being bold.  When you decide to do God's Will and start walking in His will you must be bold!  You cannot live a life of fear.  He has been teaching me that these last couple of months and it's been amazing to see it coming back slowly.  There is so much more I could go on but I will won't.

2015... I have seen so many prophetic words over this year already.  It's been amazing!  2015 is a year of blessings and rewards.  That is what I keep hearing for myself and Sean.  Sean and I will receive our rewards from the Lord this year.  I can't say which rewards we are getting because I don't know what they are but I feel it in my spirit that this is a year of blessing.  He has seen our faithfulness.  He has seen our obedience.  He has seen our hearts' desires and I know that He will bring them to us at His time.  We must remember to truly be patient and not be jaded during the process.  It's easy to forget and get lost in the worldly things and we must take time to remember the promises that God gave us in His Word.

So, this year, 2015... We wait for the promises to come into fruition and we will thank Him as we wait, thank Him when they come.  No resolutions have been made for our family except to grow in God and live the life He has designed for us to live.  That's not a resolution.  It's a lifestyle.