I found myself wondering, "What would the world be like if everybody had her mind-set?" She just reconfirmed for me a million times over that it's up to us to choose contentment and thankfulness now -- and to stop imagining that we have to have everything perfect before we'll be happy.
Joanna Gaines
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading The Magnolia Story. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. It's such an easy read and you feel like you're listening to Chip & Joanna speak to you, rather than reading it.
I love hearing people's stories of their life. We can all learn something from each other. Joanna was learning what it means to be content where she was in her life at that time and it made her be creative with what she had.
Sometimes I feel like it's hard to stay content and thankful in life. It's especially hard when you are not where you want to be. Making the effort to stay thankful is challenging but it's worth that fight. Sean and I decided that we will make that effort to be thankful. We have written down "I am thankful" statements and we read them daily. Since we have started this daily ritual, we have been tremendously blessed by things that God has done for us.
When you start thanking the Lord for what you have or for what He has done, it shifts the atmosphere around you. It's also okay to start saying that you are thankful even if you are in crabby mood. I heard someone teach on that a while ago and it truly shifts the atmosphere as well as your mood. If you have never tried it I highly recommend it.
Perfection can be an evil thing sometimes. I strive for perfection and it has caused me some issues. I've been learning that I don't need to be perfect since I can't be perfect. I have learned to praise God during the times that I can't get something right. I'm really learning that I can't have everything perfect right away while we renovate our house (my patience has been tested). I want everything done and my house in order. I know it will come so I just praise and thank the Lord for our home. I thank Him for providing everything we need and what we have done. It's been a great learning process for me.
For the Lord is always good and ready to receive you. He's so loving that it will amaze you -- so kind that it will astound you! And he is famous for his faithfulness toward all. Everyone knows our God can be trusted, for he keeps his promises to every generation!
-Psalm 100:5 (The Passion Translation)