Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A New Season

It truly has been a long time since I posted on here.

I have been in a season where I have been silent.  A season where I was rediscovering myself.

The silence I have been enduring is definitely from the enemy.  He's been whispering in my ear saying I'm not qualified to do the things I want to do, amongst other lies he has been inputting into my mind.  It has been a roller coaster in my mind for a LONG time.  During this summer's revival meetings for our church, the Lord has been slowly reminding of how much He loves me.  He's been reminding me that He sees everything thing I do and telling me that He is proud of me.  A couple of months ago I was praying with some precious people in my life and the Lord set me free from past hurts and rejection that I have dealt with for years.  It was such a wonderful feeling.  The following day, I experienced more freedom when the Lord reminded me that I was still trying to please MAN.   (I had gotten upset about something so stupid and I was asking God why I was upset.  He said gently that I was trying pleasing man and not Him).

The mind is where the battle takes place behind the scenes.  We all know this... so many people deal with this issue.  It's absolutely ridiculous and we MUST TAKE CONTROL OVER THE LIES OF THE ENEMY.

I truly know that Sean and I are walking into a new season for our marriage.  This new season is part of our destiny.  One thing that I am going to share has been weighing on my heart to read again.  It's one of those things that you are so glad you highlighted in a book.  I love that God is doing something great in us because what I'm about to share just burns inside me so much.

What makes a bride a bride is that she knows that she stands utterly alone in the eyes of her beloved.  She knows that she is the unique one and the favorite of her husband.  This is why it is so crucial that each heart goes on a personal journey of bridal love.  We each have to stand alone within the fire of His gaze and allow His affections to be deeply personal.  We have to know and feel like the favorite of the Lord, standing utterly alone in His narrow gaze of desire.
   Deep Unto Deep by Dana Candler

I love this paragraph from this book.  It's one of my favorite books to read.  It reminds me of how much our God loves us.  I long to be His bride and I long to see His eyes.  I'm so excited for this new season for Sean and I to be more of one unit and be a bride for our Beloved.  God is so good.  It's time to not be silent.  It's time to be loud with our love and loud with our actions for Jesus.  It's a new season of making His name famous.